God, My Life, This Moment

April 20, 2024

This moment is all there is.

When we desire to be living every moment to its fullest, we often equate this with being busy, being inundated with different stimuli or being in constant movement.

However, when we dive into the notion and meaning of a moment, we discover that it offers a much broader stage on which infinite possibilities can present themselves, rather than it being considered an insignificant short period of time where not much can be accomplished. A moment, in fact, this moment right here and now, is where we experience life! While we might be concerned about our future and what lies ahead, we are actually determining what our future will look, feel, and taste like through the knowing, thinking and mindful actions of our own creativity in this very moment!

While we experience life in this moment, let us also be clear that living is not about doing but all about being! In our human experience we too easily accept our worries and anxieties as who we are, rather than noticing them as pointers to enable us to live our life trusting in the divine flow, the Universe, God! While we too easily want to be ready, prepared, secured and protected in our day-to-day experiences, we ignore our divine heritage, which is living our lives as conduits for God to express the Allness that It is through the Allness that we are. From this focal point there is nothing to lose!

Every moment of our lives is equally as important, as meaningful, as impactful as any other moment. Hence there is nothing to withhold! Our love, our caring, our gifts, our talents, our resources, or whatever else we might have to offer, are not waiting for a more precious moment to occur.

Life is happening right now! What are you waiting for?

God exists in every single moment and God wants to express Itself as me right now! I live every moment of my life to its fullest and I hold nothing back!

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