

Prayer changes everything – because it changes us!

God is good and therefore we exist in a universe of good.
God is always for itself and never against itself.
God is nurturing, life affirming and life supporting.

Affirmative prayer is a powerful tool to use – not to cajole, beseech, or impress a God outside of us, but to change our perception of a situation, circumstance and any false beliefs, or limiting ideas we may hold in our hearts and minds about something, someone or ourselves. Hence, we create a space for the presence of the living God to express Itself right in that moment in, as and through us!

Affirmative prayer, also known as “spiritual mind treatment” is a prayer-practice, which is based on the teachings of Science of Mind, a spiritual philosophy that emphasizes the power of the mind to create ones experiences.

The 7 steps of spiritual mind treatment provide a framework for this process. Each step builds upon the previous one, leading us deeper into a state of spiritual awareness and connection with the Divine. While the specific wording of each step may vary depending on the teacher or practitioner, the underlying principles remain the same.

1./ Gratitude

We always start the prayer in Gratitude. Since we can not hold two emotions simultaneously in our body temples we simply start with a grateful heart to spend time in prayer.

2./ Recognition

We acknowledge that within the universe there is ONE pervading presence, ONE power encompassing everything that is in existence, ONE energy from which all things are made of. Many people throughout the ages have called this Source of all things, God. The name is not important, what matters is that we recognize this Truth.

3./ Unification

Having recognized the magnificence and awesome power of the ONE presence that is absolutely everywhere within the universe, we realize that this same love-intelligence that governs the universe and created and continues to create everything, does not stop being where we are. Therefore It is within us; It is the substance that life is made of. In this step we become aware of who we really are: A Divine Being made of the God’s energy and having a human experience.

4./ Realization

We name our desire(s) with the feeling that as we do this, it is already ours, it is already done! We are moving away from the feeling of ‘wanting’ and embody the feeling of ‘having’ already received.

5./ Thanksgiving 

We summon, from within ourselves, a feeling tone of gratitude and thanksgiving. Of course, the Source of ‘ALL That Is’, does not need our thanksgiving to function; it is rather that an attitude of gratitude opens our consciousness to receiving even more good than we can imagine in this moment. As the Law of the universe is such that what we focus on, is what we manifest in our experience, when we are focused on the good that we already have, then we can only attract more good.

6./ Release

Once we have accomplished the previous steps, all we need to do is trust. We release our word into the law, which is the wisdom and the love of the universe. The Creator does not require our input on ‘how’ our desire is manifesting itself for us! We simply release it, let it be and know that our word can only come back to us fulfilled!

7./ Amen

We are closing our prayer with a powerful Amen, meaning that we back our words with our entire being. We are fully committed and are standing behind our prayer knowing that it is done!

And ... Many people ask: How long does the prayer last? Until we might have a moment of doubt ... then we simply pray again!

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