You are Divine All the Time

May 5, 2013

Y'shua said to them [...] I have told you that you are Elohim. ~Yochanan (John) 10:34 , Aramaic New Testament

All ageless wisdom traditions tell us that everything is part of the Divine. The Tibetans refer to it as the “net,” the Navahos call it the “web,” for the ancient Hawaiians it is the “aka grid,” and our modern day society uses terms such as the “quantum hologram” or the “Divine matrix.” All of these descriptions are pointers to the inter-connectedness of all things.

The great spiritual teachers throughout time are giving us this Truth as well. In India, Krishna in the Hindu tradition tells us “Everything is God,” Buddha embraces us saying “Everyone has Buddha nature” and Jesus the Christ points to our divinity by reminding us “Even the least amongst you will do all I have done and even greater things!”

Every-thing is God and no-thing is ever lost or forgotten in God. No- one and no- thing are left out. This includes you! You are divine all the time!

Once we become consciously aware of our divine nature, any former belief of unworthiness, not enoughness or being limited has to dissolve. God is unlimited and we are created in Its image and likeness! We are limitless beings! Opening our hearts and minds to that understanding also lets any feelings of arrogance or superiority fall away. There is only one God and we are individualized expressions of It!

Even though we accept our human experience, the life-lessons we learn, the growth we can experience, our core is pure Divinity. The more we can honor this in ourselves without judging ourselves for where we are, and the more we can honor this in others without judging them for where they are, the more we can live our lives in the divine flow. We get to experience inner peace and are able to greet the Divine in everything all the time.


Today I fully embrace my divine nature and I live my life from that perspective. I am Divine all the time!

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