
June 24, 2023

Whenever I walk, sit, eat, or practice calligraphy, I do so with the awareness that all my ancestors are within me in that moment.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

It is easy to take things for granted doing the day-to-day tasks and duties of everyday life. It is easy to be on auto pilot when we do the little projects and undertakings we call mundane. We need to remember that we are creating that, which we want to experience! If we are going through our day unaware and are chasing only the completion of tasks and fulfillment of responsibilities, we are still creating the very reality we are living nevertheless!

Today we have a new opportunity to leave the old habits behind that do not serve us any longer and to allow for a deeper awareness to enter our daily routine.

We are powerful spiritual beings! We are always creative! And because we always create our reality we are interbeing, as Thich Nhat Hanh, the wisdom teacher and Zen Master describes it, with all other mundane things we interact with.

Although you are reading these words on a digital device, I am writing them on a traditional piece of paper. Can I hold the cloud in my awareness that is floating in this sheet of paper?

Without a cloud, there is no rain; without rain, trees cannot grow and without trees, this sheet of paper could not exist. The cloud is essential for the paper to come into being. If the cloud is not here, the sheet of paper cannot be here either and my words cannot be written on it. So the cloud, the paper and my words are interbeing with each other.

Even the sunshine is in my sheet of paper. If the sunshine is not there, the forest cannot grow. In fact nothing can grow. Even we cannot grow without sunshine. And so, we know that the sunshine is also in this sheet of paper.

God is always present! Whatever I am doing, the sun shines within my awareness. I transcend and embrace all tasks and celebrate the endless process of my divine unfoldment!

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