Expand. Elevate. Express.

August 4, 2022

We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.
- Albert Einstein

Through the practice of our sacred Truth teachings of affirmative prayer, meditation, visioning, spiritual study, and fellowship, we become more and more of our greater yet to be. Through our own expansion we become a stronger, wider and better conduits for the Divine to express itself in, as and through our individual lives.

Through our spiritual practice we get to catch the ideas and inspiration that are already present in the Divine Mind. We get to feel, that these vibrations, which are nurturing and life-affirming are not coming from the world of effect or experience. These inspired ideas lift us out of the day-to-day dream-state and point us towards what is. The Reality of the Divine is absolute, all around us and present in the here and now!

Allowing ourselves to see with the eye behind the eyes and listen from a vantage point beyond the human experience we get to acknowledge our powerful beingness which is always evolving and always on a path to become more and never less than our true Self. We are created in the image and likeness of God and since the spirit of the living God is whole, perfect, complete, infinite and omnipresent, our spiritual unfoldment is a direct reflection of the Divine presence according to our own unique vibration.

Through our direct experience that there are no problems in the mind of God, we get to elevate our awareness to God-consciousness through which any challenges we are experiencing in the human condition are dissolved from a higher dimensional point of view.

As a drop of water dissolves into the ocean while realizing it was water all along, it is our mandate to wake up so that the Divine can express in, as, and through us during this time in human history and beyond.

Today I expand, elevate and express a higher vibratory field within myself. With gratitude I see the challenges of the human condition dissolve into the Love of God.

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