Grow, Love, God

March 31, 2024

Be melting snow. Wash yourself of yourself.
~ Rumi, The Essential Rumi

We need to get to know ourselves for us to heal! Without our own healing we cannot have a true relationship with the Divine. All the different places within ourselves that are still filled with doubt, worry, not enough-ness, anxiety, uncertainty, guilt, or shame are energies holding us back from living our true potential of a creative and soul fulfilling life. When we are healed, we know who and whose we are, we follow divine guidance and support our fellow soul journeyers with love, grace, and compassion along the way.

God already knows who we are, yet we need to know who we are as well! God always meets us where we are and works with us exactly as we are. While God loves us exactly as we are at every stage of our being, we too, must continue our lives’ paths and evolve into the next vibratory stage of our being, so we grow to love ourselves at every stage of our being as well!

If we are unwilling to get to know ourselves fully, we cannot be fully embraced by the love, peace, grace, and harmony that is God. Let us remember, we are growing and evolving in God and as we grow and evolve, we get to feel, understand, and allow for more of God to express as us in our lives! All the situations that cause us apprehension, all those things that appear to oppose each other are only a paradox in God. The two sides of the coin are simply a paradox of the one coin and both sides are simultaneously true!

Our families, friends and our society are classrooms, full of opportunities and exercises for us to know more of ourselves and simultaneously for us to see, feel, hear, and know more of God!

Love and compassion are the order of the day! God walks before me and behind me and the love that I am reveals more of God in any situation!

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