The Great Freedom

October 11, 2022

The Beloved is running through my veins. I am life itself!
~ Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi

You are a unique emanation of the Spirit, a unique focal point in time and space, a unique vibrational frequency that never existed before and will never occur at another time.

However, it takes your free will, your permission, for all that, which is life affirming, life nurturing, loving and peaceful to express through you.

Prayer, life visioning, spiritual study and fellowship are your tools to allow yourself to be that vessel, through which Spirit can express Itself with ease and grace.

Because you are so much more than your body, your mind, your feelings or emotions, divine intelligence, divine wisdom and divine right action can only come through you if you have prepared yourself to sing your own unique song as the cosmos!

The consciousness, which is your essence, holds your body, mind, feelings and emotions within itself. That is why you have dominion over all these aspects and no one except you yourself, has any power to dictate or demand anything about how you treat your physical, emotional and spiritual self.

Spirit created you in its own image and likeness. It gave you everything you need to fulfill your journey of being even more loving, even more compassionate, even more peaceful. Spirit gave you all the autonomy for you to make all the decisions about any aspect of yourself.

Even in moments when we are unaware and we too easily give our power away and follow others to tell us what to do or what to think, we do create and we are still responsible for our creation!

The God given gift of you cannot be taken away from you and nothing can be added to it either! But the God give gift that is you needs to decide how to use the gift that it is!

Today the voice of the sage becomes my voice and I speak from a place of recognizing my own true face in Spirit! My identity is the All!

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