Your Life Matters

March 21, 2023

Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.
~ Rumi

Our life is precious! This moment is precious! This moment right here and right now is one without a second! This moment is significant and there is not one moment more important than another moment. Quite often we might be distracted by the notion that we need to wait for a “special moment” to occur before we allow ourselves to fully engage. However, all we are doing is withholding our gifts in this moment.

While we might keep ourselves busy and move from one place to the next, meet new people and give into feelings of anxiety and restlessness, we too easily miss the stillness, omit the space between the spaces, or brush over the conscious passage from one occasion to the next.

What are we afraid of missing? The horizon of this moment is a bright as the horizon was in previous moments and as bright as the horizon will be in moments yet to come. Let us right here and now fully acknowledge life as an ongoing divine unfoldment moment to moment. The celebration of this unfoldment is an integral part of us creating our beautiful, unique path as we walk it; and by recognizing each other as co-creators of the fabric of life we get to develop patience and compassion for each other.

There is nothing missing in any moment! The fullness and the presence of life at any point and place in time folds onto itself and becomes part of the one moment, the only moment that there is, the here and now, that simply reveals more of the Truth about you and about me by allowing God to express as us!

Us being our authentic self is not something we pick and choose, but something we reveal any time all the times!

Your life matters!

Today and every day I allow God to express as me! I sing my song and I dance my dance as only I can celebrating the Divine!

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