Shift the Rift

March 30, 2012

You are the self-choosing center in the Mind of God. ~Michael Bernard Beckwith

Many times on my spiritual journey I contemplate the question: “What is it in me that causes me to experience this rift between my human beingness and my Divine origin?”

In meditation I often find myself being a drop of water in a vast ocean. I experience the deep, calm, slow moving waters. Closer to the surface I find myself being moved by waves on a choppy surface where the temperature gets warmer. As things heat up I become vapor and rise up into the air. Everything cools down high up in the atmosphere where I become part of a piece of ice that falls down into the depth of the ocean again.
Throughout this meditative experience I have a choice. I can choose to come from my memory, that which I experienced in my physical past and which I am projecting into my perceived future; or I can come from inspiration, that which allows for a new vision to come forth and shape my life experience.

As long as I keep my awareness confined to the drop of water and do not allow myself to look past the tiny container, which is my physical existence, I get easily stuck in victim's consciousness asking myself: “Why is this happening to me?”

If I can allow myself to be compassionate with myself, I open up to experience the inter-connectedness of All. I am more than the drop of water! My viewpoint widens and I realize that the faculties of my intention and awareness determine the landscape, which I perceive in my human beingness. I AM THAT I AM, because I AM a unique divine emanation of pure Spirit, who chooses right now to have a certain human experience in the ocean of Life eternal. There is no rift! 

Today I swim freely in the ocean of Life and I choose to bring the perfection of that which I already am in the Mind of God into manifestation.

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