Thought and Feeling

January 25, 2013

We must first Be before we can Do, and we can Do only to the extent to which we Are. ~Thomas Troward, The Law and the Word

Just recently I was on a trip to China. It was the experience of an entirely different language, of unrecognizable letters, and being immersed in a completely different culture overall. From a human perspective it was simply stepping into uncharted territory. There was the initial feeling of uneasiness, of fear and worry until I realized that my thoughts about things are not my emotions.

We might say things such as, “I feel like they don't accept me.” Nevertheless, this perception is only a thought. We may feel hurt or frustrated, and it is because we are thinking that we're not accepted, but how do we know? The truth is, we do not. In my case I tried to use a language I do not speak, instead of relying on the true meaning of a simple smile. Our minds sometimes construct a story that we then tend to believe.

As soon as you hear yourself saying, “I feel like ... ,” stop, take a deep breath, and recognize that you can't “feel like” anything. You are only thinking. After you have identified the thought, ask yourself, “Is that true? How do I know it's true? What evidence do I have to prove the validity of that thought?” It is startling to see how often we assume our interpretation of a situation as true when in fact it is only based on flimsy evidence.

Despite the perceived difference of language, alphabets and culture I made friends I know I will see again, because Spirit is expressing Itself everywhere at the same time. For Spirit there is only one language, one alphabet and one culture, which expresses Itself as the many, and that is that what we all are, Love.


Today I rest in the awareness that I am Love and that, which I already am, can only attract more love onto Itself!

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