Human Endeavor, Divine Knowing

November 7, 2012

My view of our planet was a glimpse of divinity. ~Edgar Mitchell, Astronaut

Initially I did not expect much of the space shuttle Endeavor coming to Los Angeles last month. Yet the moment the spacecraft appeared in the sky carried on the back of a mighty 747, all that changed. Suddenly I saw myself looking fascinated at a picture in a newspaper of exactly that sight about 30 years earlier.

The feeling of wonder, mystery, fascination, ingenuity, and the longing for knowing that which lies beyond the horizon was present. 

This moment was special. Everything stopped. Traffic came to a halt. Pedestrians looked into the sky, pointed their fingers into the air and started to cheer. 

This moment was so much more than only a space ship being retired. It was a homecoming and a coming together of hearts and minds beyond the visible.

In a metaphorical sense it was the child coming home from a long journey, carried on the wings of its parent. This child went far beyond boundaries into uncharted territories. The child trusted itself that it could do what it was here to do; and yes, there were visible bruises and dents along the journey but now this child is welcomed home with unconditional love.

Our own life's journey is a mirror of exactly that. When we know in our hearts what we are here to do in this world, we trust it and we simply move forward in that awareness. There are no true boundaries. We might even look back in awe at things that happened so easily because we were simply our authentic self. Yes, there are the human bruises and hurts along the way, but within there is overwhelming joy, the direct experience of Spirit, and the knowing of that which can never be forgotten.


We are all One.

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