Free in the Spirit

August 15, 2012

And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free. ~Holy Bible, John 8:32 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)

The above verse from the Bible contains a wonderful choice—a choiceless choice. 

Yeshua, the name of Jesus in Aramaic, says that you and I, we all, will know the truth. He does not say that he, or anyone else, will know the truth for us. We all will know the truth for ourselves, and that truth sets us free.

The truth Yeshua speaks of is the eternal Truth that the kingdom of God is already here, it is within every person and situation and It wants to express Itself by the means of all of our lives. 

Since God is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and omniactive, God's center is fully present right where I am and right where you are. We can either push ourselves forward through pain and fear or we can let ourselves be guided by the vision of who and what we are: Divine conscious co-creators in the Spirit. We can choose how we would like to live and learn, but we have a choiceless choice over the subject. We will know the Truth either way.

There is no denying that there are situations and circumstances in our human experience that we would like to change or experience differently. But there is also no denying that we are more than these situations and circumstances! 

As a conscious co-creator in the Spirit, what am I choosing today? I choose love over fear, compassion over retaliation, and the knowing that we live in an abundant universe over any thought of lack and limitation! The kingdom of God is at hand. I know this Truth and I claim it today!

I invite you to relax into your personal knowing of this Truth. You are free to choose. How will you live your life today?


I am free in the Spirit! I am the right and ripe condition for the highest good to come into manifestation for myself and every one I meet.

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