Spiritual Olympians

September 2, 2012

Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Watching the Olympics last month brought up excitement, tears of joy, thoughts about perfection and images of worldwide unity while the world's best athletes competed with each other.

Taking a closer look at these athletes who are able to take the human body across boundaries previously believed to be impossible to cross also revealed an inner stillness, the ability to concentrate and focus while a thousand other things were going on around them, yet to be fully present in that particular moment.

How can we train ourselves to stay in the vibratory field that simply being is a goal of its own when thoughts of not-good-enough and not-having-enough arise? 

Energy flows where our attention goes and so oftentimes we let our attention wander and become captured by a thing, circumstance, person or opinion. Even in situations were we are unconscious of what might be going on, our energy creates our experience. 

As powerful co-creators in the Spirit, we can devise our divine training routine and activate the spiritual Olympian, who is in each and every one of us right now, to focus on our limitless internal world through prayer, meditation, contemplation, and affirmation. We can combine these spiritual training methods with life visioning and selfless service and expand our awareness from the inside out to transform our external experience at the same time. Things that we believed to be impossible to do or to create suddenly become possible, even with ease and with grace.

When we train our spiritual Olympian on a daily basis, we find ourselves living an insightful life that is rooted in Spirit and that is a true example and testament of the I AM presence. No second assurance necessary. No judges. I am it! You are it! One from the inside out!


Joyfully I activate my spiritual Olympian today and I allow myself to simply be!

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