God is Here, Already!

June 5, 2012

I seek new levels of awareness of the meaning of the commonplace. ~Howard Thurman

Situations, objects, words or sacred teachings can be examined from at least three different points of view: the intellectual, the metaphorical and the universal, or the mystical. The first viewpoint considers the face value, the literal meaning. The second viewpoint looks at how something can present a metaphor for one's life, or the lives of friends or our community; yet the third viewpoint allows us to touch that which is the Truth in any particular situation or circumstance: God is here, already.

In everyday life it is easy to take things for granted and so I have to ask myself from time to time: What is the color of my friend's eyes with whom I am having a conversation? How do I feel when I receive help in situations where I did not ask for any support? What do my footsteps sound like when I take my head set out of my ears? How am I being with a friend who has a poignant human need? Can I simply be or do I get uncomfortable and want to make things quickly go away?

It is in these ordinary moments where I am choosing how I allow myself to experience my being in this world.

The blue eyes of my friend are suddenly as deep as the cosmos, joy is the order of the day and my footsteps are gentle upon the earth. All this happens only because I consciously declare gratitude as the way of my being, allow myself to be anchored in my heart and feel the dynamic aliveness of my soul. I am enough and so I can simply be with everyone and everything. I discover more about myself through looking into the mirror called the commonplace and in it see: God is here, already.


I see everything anew, because I choose to be renewed today! I allow ordinary things to reveal to me new and extraordinary levels of my Divinity because God is here, already.

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