Painting with Love

October 21, 2012

Elmo loves you. No matter what! ~Kevin Clash, Puppeteer

You might have heard about Elmo, the cute, little, red, fluffy character from Sesame Street. For sure someone you know, especially a child, will know Elmo. To observe Kevin Clash, who is the puppeteer behind Elmo, is an amazing treat. As Kevin brings Elmo to life, all eyes and hearts in the room undividedly focus on the loving creature, and suddenly no one notices the puppeteer anymore. Kevin is Elmo.

What a beautiful metaphor for our own life. We, too, have the power to become in the outer world what we already are within: Love. Although most of the time we like to wear masks, we like to pretend to be someone different in order to fit in with our thoughts about society or to play out our perceptions about our families and friends, all we really want is: being loved. No matter what role we think we need to play, we are the writers, actors, directors and producers of our life experience. We are exactly that!

When Elmo appears on stage he is pure love. Elmo listens. Elmo does not judge and he always gives a hug. It is simply uplifting to be around Elmo!

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we would feel the same way about everyone we meet and everyone we meet would feel that same way about us? Remember, we are in charge of our life experience. We are the screen on which everything is being projected and we are the light painting our life's experience. Why not paint a masterpiece with the perfect color we all have within us: Love!

If we do exactly that, the mask dissolves. When only love vibrates where we show up in life, then everything else which is not in alignment with this vibration, has to dissolve.


My life is my ministry and I paint my masterpiece with all the colors of Love!

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