Moment and Time

November 28, 2011

This Moment does not exist in time, but time exists in this Moment. ~Ancient Wisdom

Imagine this moment as a frame on an infinitely long filmstrip. As on a traditional piece of film, its image starts out being black. It carries within itself all the infinite possibilities and the light of consciousness exposes it! What am I going to carve out of the realm of the infinite? Is it worry, doubt, lack or limitation or is it Joy, Happiness, Peace and Abundance?

Imagine this filmstrip with all the images of your current incarnation, which your consciousness did expose up to this moment. All the instances that our human mind labeled as good or not so good, could be better or wonderful. All these moments are with us right Here and right Now, because ancient wisdom tells us “all of time exists in this moment.” This allows for a great possibility! We can shine the light of our consciousness onto any of these images, which our mind labels our past. We can uplift the energy in these frames, and we can bring more light to previously underexposed pictures. We can celebrate the director-hood of our own lives. We are the light that lights up the world, and this means our world and the world around us!

Since all of time exists in this moment, there is another wonderful opportunity. We can brighten our experience through shining the light of our consciousness onto frames, which we yet want to experience, by simply seeing, feeling, hearing or knowing that all is well in God. The Goodness that we can recognize right here and now and the Gratitude that we can feel inside our bodies for this Goodness, set the contrast, saturation and vibrancy of these frames, which our human perception calls our future. This Moment is eternal, because all of time exists in It.


Today I know and celebrate my director-hood of my life and I recognize the Goodness that is all around me. I am Grateful and I let It be!

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